Уважаемые коллеги!
По инициативе амбассадора Европейского Общества Гастро-Абдоминальной Радиологии (ESGRA), члена-корреспондента РАН, профессора Григория ГригорьевичаКармазановского , информируем вас о мероприятиях ESGRA на 2020год:
In 2022, ESGAR will offer several workshops in the proven online format – from traditional and very successful topics such as liver and pancreas to new topics (f.e. small bowel and CT Colonography) and new ways of interactive learning! During several workshops, participants will have access to a full scrollable DICOM set of interesting cases!
The upcoming virtual workshops in Spring are
ESGAR on-line Workshop: All you need to know about Abdominal MRI
February 24 – 25, 2022
Virtual Liver Imaging Workshop
April 7 — 8, 2022
Virtual Pancreas Imaging Workshop
April 28 — 29, 2022
All workshops are open for registration and CME accreditated!
Further information and updates about the programme, deadlines and faculty can be found here https://www.esgar.org/workshops/esgar-workshops-overview-2022
Your help and cooperation is very much appreciated,
With best regards,
Giuseppe Brancatelli