Уважаемые коллеги! Осталось неделя для подачи тезисов на ECR2023:

Abstract Submission


Abstract submission is open from September 14 to October 25, 2022.

Submission System

All abstracts have to be submitted online through www.myESR.org/abstractsubmission.

Abstract Type

For ECR 2023, there will be again one abstract type. During the submission process, you will be able to choose your preferred presentation format. Please see the respective sections below for further details:

  • Oral Presentation
  • Poster Presentation (educational/scientific)
  • Student Presentation

Abstract language and editing

All abstracts have to be submitted in English. Please make sure that your abstract is appropriately structured and checked for English spelling and grammar. By following all instructions, you ensure that our language and editing standards are met, thereby making your abstract reader-friendly.

If you wish to edit or withdraw your abstract after submission, please contact the abstract submission team at abstracts@myESR.org.


The abstract has to be submitted by the presenting author. The presenter will receive all notifications and is responsible for the poster upload and/or the oral presentation.

Duplicate submissions

It is not allowed to submit the same abstract to more than one abstract type. The submission of duplicate abstracts will lead to the immediate rejection of the abstract(s) involved.

Case Reports

Case reports will not be accepted. We recommend submitting case reports to the ESR’s teaching case platform EURORAD at www.eurorad.org.

Decision Notifications

Decision notifications (acceptance or rejection, final presentation format) will be sent by email to the presenter in December 2022.

Invitations for oral presentations must be confirmed by the presenter within the timeframe indicated in the notification letter.

Submit your abstract now

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